Hiring employees is connected with the necessity to prepare certain contracts, work rules and supervision for the completeness of documentation. If you choose JWW, you can be sure that human resources management in your company will be run effortlessly and in compliance with the current legal regulations. Thanks to regular newsletters, you’ll be up to date with all law changes. The most modern work tools and a trained team guarantee the highest quality of services.


  • keeping complete personal files of employees,
  • preparing documents for establishing employment relationships, contract termination and appendices,
  • planning the work calendar: vacation leave, maternity leave and sick leave,
  • employment record documentation,
  • keeping a register and monitoring the validity of medical examination and OHS trainings (BHP),
  • preparing a comprehensive employee documentation,
  • company situation analysis and creating work statutes, OHS rules and Employee Benefit Fund (ZFŚS),
  • preparing salary structure,
  • drafting civil law contracts (commission contracts, specific task contracts),
  • handling the inspections of The National Labor Inspectorate (PIP) and ZUS, PAYROLL SERVICES BY JWW
  • preparing payroll list: from employment agreements and commission contracts for different remuneration systems,
  • monthly income statements and individual reports for ZUS,
  • preparing annual and monthly tax calculation (PIT-11, PIT-4R),
  • calculation of sick pay, vacation pay and payment of outstanding leave entitlements,
  • preparing certificates of employment
  • ZUS RMUA documents,
  • running the required accounting for IRS (Urząd Skarbowy), Central Statistical Office (GUS) and State Fund of Rehabilitation of Handicapped People (PFRON),

Any questions?
Feel free to contact us

Use the contact form, e-mail or just call us

Tel: 71 793 72 82
Tel. 501 805 807
[email protected]
